Wednesday, 19 October 2011

An Idea born in discussion with friends about electoral reform

Recently my friends and I were seeing the News Hour in Times Now. There was an interview with Anna Hazareji. He said that his next aim is to change in electoral formation. Let me explain what he said in brief.
Annaji said two things. The first one is, today the scenario is during vote calculating process the candidates stay present there. So they can see those areas from where they got votes and from where they didn’t get. After that the winner candidate does development in those areas from where he/she got votes. Avoids the development in other areas from where he/she doesn’t get. It is simple logic and it should be prevented.
The second thing is more interesting. It is about “Right to Reject”. He mention a “No choice” button in election machine. If people think that no any candidate deserves his or her precious vote, let them allow doing so. Let people allow rejecting. If “no choice” button get maximum press than the result should be cancelled. Organize election again in that area from the scratch.
In our discussion, one question raised. How many times we can afford the election expenses? We can predict that if we implement this we have to face many re-election. My one friend suggests a solid idea. It is solid according to me. I don’t know your views. But I want to express it once.
The idea is, if we get more press on reject button, there is no any representative will go to the parliament. The representative is “Ashok Chakra”. Instead of any representative, appoint any former IPS, IAS, IES or any social activist, who has clear and good background. They will work on salary base which is provided to the MLA or MP. The fund is given to him to do the development.
If any voting needed in the parliament, in which side the vote should be added? The answer laid in the Annaji’s demand. Make Gramsabha strong to develop the India. In each village Gramsabha will be held and people of India will give their vote. Each village has one vote. The vote will be added in the side where majority is there.
There are so many benefits we have discussed. I will with them in next blog. But before I want to know your ideas. Please put at least one comment in the comment section. I will try to conclude it in the next blog. Thanks in advance !!!